
Showing posts from January, 2021

Resting Like Jesus-THE DUST OF THE RABBI Part IV

 THE DUST OF THE RABBI-Rest Like Jesus Mark 4:35-41 (NIV) As we approach the conclusion of the sermon series, "The Dust of the Rabbi". The ancient Jewish folk talk told to the young Levite priest in training, we learn to follow the Rabbi-Jesus Christ. Over the last few weeks we have learned: 1.  What the Dust of the Rabbi means to us today. 2.  How to pray like Jesus. 3.  How to serve like Jesus and today, we learn to "Rest Like Jesus". Q: Do you get enough "real" rest? When you wake up in the morning do you feel refreshed and ready to experience a new day? As we learn to walk more deeply in relationship with God, Jesus teaches us that it is possible to rest in the midst of turmoil around us when we walk with Him! In our Scripture text today, Jesus rests in circumstances where everyone else with Him is filled width fear. We learn through Christ's example the importance of self care. We see that the Son of God went off frequently to rest. (Luke 5:16) NI...


THE DUST OF THE RABBI III-Serve Like Jesus Matthew 8:1-4 As we continue our focus on the imitation of the life of the Rabbi, Jesus Christ, we learn how to serve others, the Kingdom of God and God Himself. When we look more closely at the historical and sociological situation that Christ's ministry bloomed upon the world in we learn so much about what God expects of us in our approach to Him and others. Not so much has changed about humanity in thousands of years. Let's look more closely at Jesus' life and service: 1. Jesus was raised in the home of Joseph & Mary, His parents. He was raised a carpenters son. Being brought up in a faithful Jewish home Jesus' first priority was to God and then family. The Word of God tells us that Jesus' ministry started near the age of 30 years of age. He spent the early years of His life at home with His mother and siblings.  Jesus stayed and cared for His family following the death of Joseph until the time was right for Him to s...


  TO LENT OR NOT TO LENT?      The celebration of the Lenten season has not always been a practice of the Protestant Church.      The observation of Lent began in the Roman Catholic Church thousands of years ago.      The more recent observation of the Lenten season by the Protestant Church has come after reflection regarding the pertinence in the life of the disciple of Jesus Christ. It is the relevance of practicing self-discipline, along with disciplined faith practices and its value in preparation for the holiest day in the Christian’s calendar, Easter. For that reason the Lenten practice found its way into the heart of Christians across denominational lines.      As I serve God’s people as a leader of the Church, I encourage others to observe the Lenten season for the purpose of making their Easter celebration more meaningful and to enrich their personal walk with Jesus for a focused time. I...
THE DUST OF THE RABBI/PRAY LIKE JESUS Luke 11:1-13 As we continue our focus of "The Dust of the Rabbi", we begin looking closely at the faith practices of Jesus Christ. We learned last week that IMITATION is the highest form of flattery and flattery will get us everywhere with Jesus! Q: Would you like to speak to someone today who sincerely hears you? Not only hears you in an auditory manner but who hears your heart? That, my friend, is what PRAYER is. Having a conversation with God. Isn't it interesting that out of all the disciples only one of them asked Jesus to teach them to pray? The Disciples saw Jesus in prayer frequently. WHY DID JESUS PRAY? One way we can learn to pray is by looking more closely at the prayer life of Jesus.  1. Jesus prayed as an example to His followers. 2. Jesus was both fully human and fully divine. Jesus was a faithful Jewish man. It was right and just that He should pray. It was the practice of His faith, the proclamation of His beliefs and ...
January 10, 2021 LUKE 5:1-11 (NIV) It is simply amazing to me that in the ancient of days, when Jesus had trained, devote Jewish people available to Him that he chose Simon Peter and many other "common", untrained people to be His disciples.  Peter did not come with an impressive résumé. He was just an ordinary, uneducated fisherman working on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. When we take a closer look at Peter's life as he followed Christ we learn; he made some pretty major mistakes, he could be egotistical, he often misunderstood Jesus' teachings, he had trouble forgiving others, he had an issue with trusting others and he even denied knowing Jesus three times as Christ journeyed to the Cross to die for the sins of mankind, Peter's sins and ours! Peter was an ordinary person like us — someone who had good intentions but didn’t have it all together — and yet, Jesus still called him to be his disciple. Peter’s life was transformed through his RELATIONSHIP with Je...
  Amazed and dumbfounded about what is happening in the “United” States of America. Not just today but for years. One temper tantrum after another. “24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” —Mark 3:24 & 25 —  feeling sad.
  HAPPY NEW YEAR!--LIKE A NEWBORN BABE As we celebrate a New Year, NOW is the time my friends to start all over again! “Let us throw off all things that hinders and run the race laid out for us”! (Hebrews 12:1) What a wonderful gift we are given to have the ability to let go of the harmful things of our lives and start over. It is time to release the negativity and fear of 2020. In Christ, we are a new creature, made new through Jesus Christ. (2 Cor. 5:17) Not only once but EVERY SINGLE DAY! How wonderful is that. 16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 2 Corinthians 5:16-18 (NIV) Jesus became the sacrifice for our sins so that we can live lives renewed, revived and thriving for the K...