Resting Like Jesus-THE DUST OF THE RABBI Part IV

THE DUST OF THE RABBI-Rest Like Jesus Mark 4:35-41 (NIV) As we approach the conclusion of the sermon series, "The Dust of the Rabbi". The ancient Jewish folk talk told to the young Levite priest in training, we learn to follow the Rabbi-Jesus Christ. Over the last few weeks we have learned: 1. What the Dust of the Rabbi means to us today. 2. How to pray like Jesus. 3. How to serve like Jesus and today, we learn to "Rest Like Jesus". Q: Do you get enough "real" rest? When you wake up in the morning do you feel refreshed and ready to experience a new day? As we learn to walk more deeply in relationship with God, Jesus teaches us that it is possible to rest in the midst of turmoil around us when we walk with Him! In our Scripture text today, Jesus rests in circumstances where everyone else with Him is filled width fear. We learn through Christ's example the importance of self care. We see that the Son of God went off frequently to rest. (Luke 5:16) NI...