Matthew 8:1-4

As we continue our focus on the imitation of the life of the Rabbi, Jesus Christ, we learn how to serve others, the Kingdom of God and God Himself.

When we look more closely at the historical and sociological situation that Christ's ministry bloomed upon the world in we learn so much about what God expects of us in our approach to Him and others. Not so much has changed about humanity in thousands of years.

Let's look more closely at Jesus' life and service:

1. Jesus was raised in the home of Joseph & Mary, His parents. He was raised a carpenters son. Being brought up in a faithful Jewish home Jesus' first priority was to God and then family. The Word of God tells us that Jesus' ministry started near the age of 30 years of age. He spent the early years of His life at home with His mother and siblings. 

Jesus stayed and cared for His family following the death of Joseph until the time was right for Him to step out for God. 

Our witness and service starts at home. 

God entrusted His son into the arms of humanity and humanity He served/serves.

We are called in the same way to serve our family and others.

2. The historical and sociological circumstances in history at the time Jesus embarked upon His journey of teaching, healing, loving, caring, working miracles in lives; God has set a system in place for His Temple and worship.

God had set aside a whole tribe of Israel to only serve the people of Israel and care for the Temple of God. The Levites. The Levitical priesthood can be learned more about in the book of Leviticus (in the Torah-the first 5 books of the Bible).

The system God had put into place was broken due to the fallibility of humanity.

While God required of the priests of the Temple to live a lifestyle honorable to Him, keeping themselves holy, separate and sacred there had become such a gap between God and His people. The system was broken and Jesus came to fill that gap. A good example of the gap being referenced is in the Gospel of Luke chapter 10:32 when the priest of the Temple walked on the opposite of the road of an injured man who had been beaten and robbed. The Good Samaritan, a man looked down upon by society at the time, stopped and cared for the man and assured his future care through a pledge of money to someone who would continue the injured mans care.

3. As Jesus' ministry began, God began to reveal His plan of salvation. God's plan of salvation replaced this broken system-Jesus fills the gap for you and for me!

Jesus came into this broken, hurting, lonely society to bring hope, healing, peace, salvation for those who were seeking it. Jesus reached His hand out to the marginalized and the wealthy. He touched the Roman dignitary and the leper whom no one had likely had touched for a very, very long time. He helped the educated and uneducated equally and longed for people to know what God required of them. Jesus outstretched His hands and He TOUCHED them!

Fret not because God had/had a plan! That plan was/is Jesus Christ!

4. In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 8:1-4, Jesus touched the Leper. He saw the faith of the faithful priests and Israelites who longed for justice and to worship freely. He saw the faith of the Roman centurion-whom most saw as "the enemy". Jesus touched the untouchable, He brought healing to many and He brought spiritual awakening!

Jesus outstretches His hand to us all in the exact same way today. He longs to heal, touch the untouchable, encourage, and bring spiritual awakening in our hearts!

Jesus takes what little we have to offer and He multiples it for the glory of God.

He offered Himself as a servant of man and He still offers Himself as that same servant. The Son of God; washing the feed of the Disciples, forgiving the prostitute, touching the unclean woman, met the Samaritan woman at the well in the mid day heat, and He saw the faith of a few faithful men who lowered their friend through the roof of a home He visited for healing.

There is a responsibility to depends upon us. A man laid beside a healing pool in the ancient of days. He longed for someone to pick him up and put him in the healing waters. Jesus asked the man, "Don't you want to be healed". The man answered YES. Jesus said, you know what you need to do. Roll up your mat and get into the water.

My friends, once we know what we need to do, then we must do it!

Christianity continues to grow and thrive thousands of years after Christ's ministry unfolded.

Jesus came for you and for me. He came pouring Himself out like a "drink offering", one of the acts of the Temple Jesus experienced in the Temple as a faithful Jewish boy with His family. The "drink offering" was poured over the altar in the Old Testament Temple during worship to bless the offering of the people to God. Setting the offerings aside for God, consecration. 

As Jesus poured Himself on the Cross of Calvary for our sins, He consecrated those who would believe in Him and follow God.

Jesus' ministry was "fluid", as our ministry should be as well. 

All of Jesus' birth, life, service, persecution, death and resurrection is all fulfillment of prophecy.

Believers have a responsibility to God. A little later in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 28:18-20 we learn that we are to share our experience of God with others so that they may know the same joy and salvation that we experience.

If you love God and if you want to be an effective student of "The Rabbi-Jesus Christ" we must live to imitate and we must ask God to allow us to see others through His eyes.

May we be people who seek to renew broken systems so God's people will be touched with love, healing, peace, joy, provision and above all else, the joy of SALVATION!

Have you ever felt invisible? 

Have you ever just longed to have someone touch you, hug you, hear you?

If you would like to learn more about Jesus, please feel free to email us at We would be happy to send you a Bible and some more information for you to pursue in your home.



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