Luke 11:1-13
As we continue our focus of "The Dust of the Rabbi", we begin looking closely at the faith practices of Jesus Christ.
We learned last week that IMITATION is the highest form of flattery and flattery will get us everywhere with Jesus!
Q: Would you like to speak to someone today who sincerely hears you? Not only hears you in an auditory manner but who hears your heart?
That, my friend, is what PRAYER is. Having a conversation with God.
Isn't it interesting that out of all the disciples only one of them asked Jesus to teach them to pray?
The Disciples saw Jesus in prayer frequently.
One way we can learn to pray is by looking more closely at the prayer life of Jesus.
1. Jesus prayed as an example to His followers.
2. Jesus was both fully human and fully divine. Jesus was a faithful Jewish man. It was right and just that He should pray. It was the practice of His faith, the proclamation of His beliefs and His connection with the wholeness of Himself in the completion of the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit).
3. Prayer allows for the communication between the roles of the Triune God in our lives. Jesus sets the example throughout His life and ministry for us to follow.
Jesus prayed for others. (Matthew 19:13-15)
Jesus and the Disciples were tired. They had been attending to the tasks of ministry all day. The Disciples wanted to protect Jesus, knowing He was fatigued and when the mothers brought their children to Jesus for a blessing (as it was the Jewish custom to do so) the Disciples said, "No, go away and leave Him alone".
Jesus said, "Bring the children to me." He had time for everyone. It didn't matter how tired He might have been or what His needs were, He made others His priority. A true servants heart.
Jesus prayed for others often. We learn this in John 17:6-19 as Jesus prays for all of His disciples.
Jesus prayed alone. (Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 1:35 & 36, Luke 5:15 & 16, and John 17:1-3)
Jesus knew the power of praying together and encourages us to prayer together. Something POWERFUL happens when we pray together! Acts Chapter 1, especially verse 14.
As much as Jesus knew the importance and power of praying together, He also understood the need to pray alone. "Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
Q: Where do you best connect with God? Find that place and go there often! Speak freely to God and spend some time listening to Him too. He speaks most freely to us through His Word, so take your Bible. (*If you need a Bible let me know. We would be happy to send you a Bible)
Jesus often prayed Scripture. As a matter of fact, when Jesus was tempted in the dessertous place His strength came from quoting Scripture to the "tempter" that caused the enemy of God to flee! (Matthew Ch. 4)
Proper prayer requires us to have a truthful understanding of God, the character of God and what He has revealed to us through His Word.
Jesus knew not all prayers were answered as expected. (Matthew 26:36-46)
Three times Jesus asks God to allow an easier path, but Jesus knew, "Not my will, but as You will."(26:39)
Unanswered prayer is a challenge to the Christian. God answers our prayers; yes, no or later. Faith is a larger roll of the effective prayer life. We must have faith that God's will and His knowledge is greater and better than ours. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
1. Pray for someone. If possible, don't just tell someone that you are praying for them-PRAY WITH THEM. Sometimes people need to hear you pray for them.
2. Pray for yourself. Many are uncomfortable praying for themselves. But just like the Airline Attendant tells us, "Put your oxygen on first because without it you are no use to your neighbor." We have to put our oxygen on before we can be effect in helping others.
3. Start documenting your prayer life. Start keeping a prayer journal. God often moves in subtle, little ways and miracles happen. We sometimes miss the answers to our prayers because we miss how He has slowly moved things to accomplish BIG things!
Do you want to learn more about a relationship with Jesus?
Would you like a Bible?
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If you have questions, I would be happy to try to help.
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