Jesus Christ-the Mediator: THE DUST OF THE RABBI Part V



Jesus Christ-the Mediator

Matthew 18:15-20 (NIV)

With so much conflict and division in our world today it is important for Christians to exercise Biblical principles in conflict mediation, resolution to conflict, peace and unity.

Jesus Christ is the example to us for conflict mediation.

Q: Have you ever been, or felt like, you were completely misunderstood?

Q: Are you dealing with a conflict in your life right now?

Jesus understood and addressed conflict!

 John 2:13-16: Jesus clears the Temple. Money changers were charging God's people a years wages to make their sin offering and to celebrate Temple festivals as instructed by God. Jesus moved into action because it was a disgrace for God's people be be price gouged to worship in obedience to God, exercising their faith.

 John 7:53-8:11: A sinful woman was brought out into the street where a crowd, including Pharisees, awaited to prosecute her for her sinful behavior. Jesus tells the angry mob, the one without sin cast the first stone. Of course, not one of us are sinless and Jesus knew that! So no one could stone the woman. Jesus told her to go and sin no more. He told her that if those who wished to prosecute her could not, neither would He.

Don't be surprised that we face conflict and troubled times in this world. "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." John 15:17-19  Jesus explains that the more we become like Him, the more the world will despise us and that we should not be surprised by the worlds reaction.

Today's biblical lesson from Matthew 18:15-20 is for Christians. Who are Christians? Believers?

1 Peter 2:4 & 5 and Matthew 12:46-50 tells us that anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, acknowledging that He is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for their sins, that they are a sinner in need of THE SAVIOR, repents of their sin and chooses to try to do better becomes "the Church", Jesus' family.

Jesus teaches us that for our lives to be in alignment with God we must embrace our unique gifts and skills and use them for the betterment of the Kingdom of God. To do so, each person, so very different needs to embrace their unique approach to life and resolve our issues among ourselves and with others. Respectfully.

When conflict arises, it is our human nature to respond emotionally. We need to practice "the pause". Work through our emotions, spend time with God talking ONLY to Him and listening for His guidance in prayer and through His Word. We all want to believe we are right! 

A word of caution: if you recognize sin in someone else, you know that sin. 

Let God reveal to you what is right. Often while we are working through our own issues, praying and seeking answers; God will resolve the matter at hand Himself. 

Jesus tells us that if we are not able to resolve an issue between ourselves, then we are called to bring in an unbiased third party to help us. A mediator. This could be an elder, deacon or pastor who could offer some compromise, the truth of the Word and help you resolve the matter at hand.

If the second step does not work. Jesus instructs us to bring the matter before the Church.

One of the things I appreciate about being actively involved in the gathering of God's people in the Baptist Church is that I have seen a group of 50, 75, 100+ come to an unanimous decision regarding Church matters or difficult decisions. THAT MY FRIENDS IS A MIRACLE! Having that many people in a room together in complete agreement is amazing. God has worked many miracles through His people and He is still working them TODAY!

My friends, we are warned not to gloat if we are right. We should not celebrate our friends stumble but rather rejoice in their growth.

Jesus Christ has mediated for us on the Cross of Calvary. He has died for our sins and He mediates for us before the Throne of God. 

John 3:16 & 17 tells us that God LOVES the world and that He sent His Son to die for us so that we might live eternally with Him. Jesus died for us that we might not be condemned. We should not condemn others.

If you would like to receive a Bible to begin your own personal faith journey please email me at

I would love to share information with you about how you can receive Jesus as your personal Savior.

We will be launching a special "service" event on Facebook on February 17th as we begin the Lenten season together. *If you want to know more about Lent, there is an article on this blog explaining Lent and why Christians observe it today.

Heavenly Father, help us to follow Your Word and to be a people of peace and unity. Help us to do the tough stuff in life in LOVE. Help us to be Your people. Amen.

God bless you! Have a wonderful week and feel free to email me your questions.



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